Capoeira Angola
in Helsinki
Capoeira Angola is an Afro-Brazilian cultural practice and martial art that combines music, dance, acrobatics, fighting, ritual, history and philosophy. In capoeira trainings we learn instruments and movements while developing self-expression, sweating and having fun. Capoeira Angola is suitable for different ages, and everyone interested is welcome to join us.

Alagbedé Helsinki is a Capoeira Angola group in Helsinki.
The group started its activities in Helsinki in 1997 under the name Grupo de Capoeira Angola Engenho Velho. In 2004, the group began collaborating with Mestre Valmir, and from 2008 to 2022, it operated under the name FICA (Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola). The collaboration with the master continues from 2023 under the name Instituto de Capoeira Angola Alagbedé (I.C.A.A.). We organize classes and open events in Helsinki for everyone interested in Capoeira Angola.
Location: Pasilan nuorisotalo,
Pasilanraitio 6,
00240 Helsinki
Fall season 120€
One month 40€
One time 10€
(-20% discount for students)
Welcome to train with us!
History: From 2008 to 2022, our group operated as part of the international FICA organization, and the friendships and lessons from that time remain an integral part of our group's identity.
Founded in 1995, the Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola (FICA) represents and preserves the Afro-Brazilian art of Capoeira Angola. FICA-affiliated groups around the world support social and cultural initiatives, including efforts against racism. FICA was founded by three masters: Mestre Cobra Mansa (who later left the group), Mestre Jurandir, and Mestre Valmir. In addition to their groups in Belo Horizonte and Salvador, the founding masters oversee several other FICA groups in Brazil and the United States. Other mestres who have been part of or are associated with FICA include Mestre Silvinho (Seattle), Mestre Gunter (Manaus), Mestre Kamau and Contramestra Eva (Philadelphia), Mestre Kojo (Washington, D.C.), Contramestra Andrea (Oakland) and Contramestra Åsa (Stockholm.) FICA groups are also present in Japan, Mozambique, Venezuela, Sweden, Spain, and Finland. In addition to teaching Capoeira Angola, FICA maintains an archive with a wealth of materials related to Capoeira Angola and the African diaspora. (As of 2022).

Mestre Valmir
Valmir Damasceno Santos, born in the city of Salvador, Brazil, began practicing Capoeira Angola in 1982 with the Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho (GCAP), under the guidance of Mestre Moraes and Cobra Mansa. In 1992, he earned the title of Contramestre while working with social organizations and projects such as Associação Livre de Moradores da Mangueira (ALMM), Fundação do Menor Trabalhador (FAMEB), and Projeto Axé. In 1994, Valmir founded his own group, which soon became part of FICA (Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola), originally started by Mestre Cobra Mansa. In 2003, Valmir was named Mestre.
Mestre Valmir lives in Salvador, where he has long led the FICA-Bahia group while also working internationally. In 2023, he founded his own group, the Instituto de Capoeira Angola Alagbedé (I.C.A.A.), with many of his students continuing to collaborate with him. Mestre Valmir visits Finland annually to conduct workshops, and during the pandemic, groups met monthly for online training. He is also specialized in crafting berimbau instruments used in capoeira.
Instituto de Capoeira Angola Alagbedé
In 2023, Mestre Valmir founded a new group called Instituto de Capoeira Angola Alagbedé (I.C.A.A.). Before that, Mestre Valmir and his students were long-time members of the internationally recognized group Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola (FICA). In addition to Brazil, Alagbedé groups operate in Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Japan, France, England, and Spain. Among the group's members are Contramestre Aloan, Contramestre Ajaye (Dija), Contramestre Fabricio, and Contramestre Yuta.